Volunteers are the driving force behind our association. At any given time more than 150 dentists serve in a variety of leadership positions in order to help guide our organization. The dentists who are elected to serve on our Board of Governors are responsible for managing our association operations.
The Board is elected by the CSDA House of Delegates, which includes representatives from all of our local dental societies. They also elect the dentists who represent our state in the ADA House of Delegates and set the policies that guide the CSDA.
Then there are the volunteers who are appointed by the Board to serve on our councils, committees and task forces. Standing councils and committees are charged with administering specific activities while task forces are appointed on a temporary basis to tackle short-term projects.
CSDA Manuals and Strategic Plan:
BOG Manual v1.4 - 2024pdf , 1940 KB
CSDA Bylaws - 2024pdf , 1163 KB
HOD Manual - 2024pdf , 1284 KB
Membership Manual - 2024pdf , 841 KB
CSDA Strategic Plan 2023-2027pdf , 109 KB