Member Logo Request
As a CSDA Member you can request a time-stamped logo for use on your website. The logo must be requested annually. Please review the CSDA logo policy below and complete the form below to make your request. Allow 2-3 business days to receive your logo.
Connecticut State Dental Association Logo Usage Agreement
Distinguish yourself as a Connecticut State Dental Association member with the CSDA member time-stamped logo for use on your practice's website.
- I understand that use of the CSDA member logo is a privilege of membership and is granted by the explicit permission of the association, subject to the conditions listed below.
- THIS AGREEMENT, executed on the date the logo is received from the CSDA, between the Connecticut State Dental Association (CSDA) and the CSDA member (member) making the request. Members who use the CSDA member logo will agree to the following terms and conditions:
- Only CSDA members in good standing may use the CSDA Member Logo. It may not be used by non-members, including former members whose membership has lapsed due to nonpayment of dues or terminated for any other reason. The CSDA member logo may be used on professional practice websites only.
- The CSDA member logo can only be used to identify an individual, not a practice.
- The CSDA member logo must be used in its entirety and may not be altered in any way, including proportion, color (except that it may be reproduced in black), element, type, etc. It may be not animated, morphed or modified in any other way that would distort the appearance of the logo.
- The CSDA member logo is CSDA intellectual property and as a condition of use members must acknowledge that they obtain no rights in or to the mark other than those conferred by the license.
- The CSDA member logo may not be used to indicate any kind of endorsement of any product or service by the Association, to indicate that any official status for any product or service has been conferred by or is otherwise associated with the Association, or to show any kind of relationship with the Association aside from the individual’s membership.
- The CSDA member logo may not be used in association with any kind of endorsement by the member of any product or service, except that using the member logo in connection with the promotion of the member’s own practice (via the website) shall not be considered a violation of this provision.
- The CSDA member logo may not be used on official documents such as sales contracts or official disclosure documents provided to potential or actual patients. It may only be used on the practice website to indicate that an individual is a CSDA member.
- The CSDA member logo may not be used in connection with any disparaging statements about the CSDA or statements that otherwise reflect poorly on the CSDA.
- The CSDA member logo may not be used on any website that is in violation of any applicable laws or governmental regulations.
- The CSDA reserves the right to disallow any use of the CSDA member logo.
- Any unauthorized use of the CSDA member logo may result in revocation of the license to use and any other action that the CSDA may deem appropriate under the circumstances.